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Pre-HMRC audit
We are often asked to assist companies that are due for inspection by HMRC. Businesses involved in International trade will be subject to regular Customs audits, and we can help ensure the business is fully prepared prior to any audit.
Customs Systems audit
We have also provided a full audit service in the form a system health-check to our clients to ensure the business is compliant with the rules and regulations laid down by HMRC and the UCC. Following an on-site visit, a report is provided with full information on changes that may be required to ensure a full audit trail is in place. This will ensure the business is one step ahead and is well prepared for any future HMRC audits.
Documenting Procedures
Under the Union Customs Code (UCC), one of the main requirements is for businesses to ensure they can provide documented procedures for all areas within their business. In particular they are expected to document procedures explaining the processes in place for Customs matters.
Following on from the systems audit, we can assist with this process.
Trust well placed