Training - we offer courses for those within the oil and gas industry ranging from Tariff Classification, to Dual-use Licensing to End Use awareness. Please contact us directly for course details and dates. We can also provide in-house training at your premises.
Audit service and procedures – Whether you are preparing for a pre-authorisation HMRC visit, a HMRC audit or simply want to conduct a gap analysis of your current processes we offer ‘health-check’ audits and in-depth reports on your systems and customs procedures.
In-House Support – LS Customs can provide the expertise of one of our team who will work on your behalf and handle your customs matters. Their tasks will meet your individual needs and can include updating schedules or receipts, completing management checks & amendments of import and export declarations, MSS report analysis and complete of monthly Bills of Discharge.
Duty Payment Service – If you require to divert goods which are under a duty suspension to Home Use we can assist with the application and the associated documentation.
Application for AEO status – We will assist you with the preparation and completion of the application for achieving Authorised Economic Operator status, an internationally recognised quality mark indicating a secure and compliant international supply chain.
Completion of Customs Applications – In addition to AEO applications we can assist with the preparation and completion of other applications ranging from renewal of your Ship-work End Use to the EIDR / SDP approval.